Thursday, April 14, 2011

Upstairs Downstairs

You probably know that Upstairs Downstairs was one of the greatest TV productions of all time. For several years it told the stories  of an Upper Class British family for the period from shortly before the sinking of the Titanic and through the first world war. I recently borrowed the entire series (I think there were three years) from NetFlix. It was a moving experience to watch them again, stopping only to eat and sleep.

 It told the stories of how the Upper Class family (upstairs) and their servants (downstairs,} dealt with the introduction of the automobile, the telephone, electricity, the doorbell, And the depression at the beginning of the twentieth century, the awakening of class consciousness and, of course, WWI.

It will continue tonight through, at least three more episodes (I understand there are more to follow.) It will start during the depression that followed WWI and I think it will carry the families through WWII.

I urge you all to watch. You won't be sorry. 

In my area it will air at 9PM tomorrow (Sunday April 10).


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